Uncommon Courage
Welcome to Uncommon Courage, the podcast, where we’ll be having the conversations we need to be having as members of the human collective. We are all being called upon to step up and lead – with kindness, big hearts and unshakable courage – because right now, we have an opportunity to redress what we got wrong in the past, as well as deal with the disruptions we face today, to create a better world for all.
However, if we are completely truthful, the biggest challenge we face is believing we can do it – believing in our ability to create massive change. But everyone knows you can’t achieve anything significant without guts, determination, and of course, the courage to keep driving towards the goal, regardless of how hard the journey is!
Uncommon Courage will feature global conversations determined to contribute to creating a better future for all life on earth. Ideas, solutions, arguments and laughs - it’ll all be part of the journey. It is time for that which is uncommon to become common.
#UncommonCourage #AndreaTEdwards
Uncommon Courage
Growth, resilience, the manosphere
We worked together nearly 30 years ago and have been crossing each other’s paths around the world ever since. However, it was our recent catch up where I saw a deep level of growth in John Kerr, so I wanted to talk to him about the journey.
John has been in professional communications his entire career, working in senior leadership roles for the last 20 years or so. But perhaps those days are over, as John embarks on journey’s around the world, with a huge African journey ahead. What will he discover within himself as he gives himself the space for silence?
Travel for me was the eye-opener from a self-development perspective. I got to go deep within myself and work out what I thought, versus other people’s ideas I’ve been told to believe or I had been programmed with. That means I’m always delighted to speak with other’s who have gone through this growth experience, because there’s nothing quite like it.
Our conversation goes wide, from his story as a young man growing up with a Samoan single mum, growing into a man in New Zealand, and the evolution to today, which includes healing the soul scars. We finish up discussing the manosphere – how can we help men be their best today?
Thanks so much for talking to me John and I hope you have the most amazing experiences in Africa, including the painful moments that will test and grow your resilience!
You can find John on LinkedIn here https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnkerrnz/
#Manosphere #UncommonCourage #Growth #Resilience
To get in touch with me, all of my contact details are here https://linktr.ee/andreatedwards
My book Uncommon Courage, an invitation, is here https://mybook.to/UncommonCourage
My book 18 Steps to an All-Star LinkedIn Profile, is here https://mybook.to/18stepstoanallstar