Uncommon Courage
Welcome to Uncommon Courage, the podcast, where we’ll be having the conversations we need to be having as members of the human collective. We are all being called upon to step up and lead – with kindness, big hearts and unshakable courage – because right now, we have an opportunity to redress what we got wrong in the past, as well as deal with the disruptions we face today, to create a better world for all.
However, if we are completely truthful, the biggest challenge we face is believing we can do it – believing in our ability to create massive change. But everyone knows you can’t achieve anything significant without guts, determination, and of course, the courage to keep driving towards the goal, regardless of how hard the journey is!
Uncommon Courage will feature global conversations determined to contribute to creating a better future for all life on earth. Ideas, solutions, arguments and laughs - it’ll all be part of the journey. It is time for that which is uncommon to become common.
#UncommonCourage #AndreaTEdwards
Uncommon Courage
The Know Show – adaptation and regeneration required
Epic floods have wreaked havoc from Africa to Asia to Europe, claiming more than 1,500 lives and costing US$15 billion, and this all happened in September. As one meme put it this week, we are not experiencing the flood of the century, we are experiencing a century of floods. Beyond floods, we’ve had mega fires on the West Coast of the USA and now Portugal is facing the flames. Dams are collapsing, homes, farms and businesses destroyed, crops lost, millions displaced, with dangerous zoo animals and criminals on the prowl in Nigeria. It leaves us asking: surely it’s time to take adaptation seriously? Surely it’s time we focused on regenerating our natural world?
You wouldn’t believe we are in an environmental crisis as we watch our politicians spewing extremely divisive narratives worse than we’ve ever seen, confirmed Russian interference in elections across the US, Europe and beyond, which all feeds into the chaos and division that is tearing our world apart. Then we had the big news in Lebanon this week, with people losing eyes, fingers and their lives after thousands of pagers and walkie talkies exploded simultaneously across the country. Will this ensure war accelerates across the Middle East, as the climate emergency accelerates across the world? It appears all sense has been lost.
To help us dig into this critical topic, we are delighted to welcome Dr Farshid Pahlevani, who is a research scientist focused on helping manufacturing companies create solutions for their waste products and showing them how to turn waste into profit. Dr Farshid is an Associate Professor at The University of New South Wales (UNSW) and we are delighted he said yes to joining us on The Know Show.
The Know Show is a Livestream held every fortnight on Friday, where Andrea T Edwards, Tim Wade and Joe Augustin, and at least one special guest, review the news that’s getting everyone’s attention, as well as perhaps what requires our attention. We’ll talk about what it means to us, the world and we hope to inspire great conversations on the news that matters in the world today.
The Know Show is based on Andrea T Edwards Weekend Reads, which are published every Saturday on andreatedwards.com, and covers the planetary crisis, topical moments in the world, global politics and war, business and technology, social issues, and passion/humour/history. Join us.
#TheKnowShow #UncommonCourage
To get in touch with me, all of my contact details are here https://linktr.ee/andreatedwards
My book Uncommon Courage, an invitation, is here https://mybook.to/UncommonCourage
My book 18 Steps to an All-Star LinkedIn Profile, is here https://mybook.to/18stepstoanallstar