Uncommon Courage
Welcome to Uncommon Courage, the podcast, where we’ll be having the conversations we need to be having as members of the human collective. We are all being called upon to step up and lead – with kindness, big hearts and unshakable courage – because right now, we have an opportunity to redress what we got wrong in the past, as well as deal with the disruptions we face today, to create a better world for all.
However, if we are completely truthful, the biggest challenge we face is believing we can do it – believing in our ability to create massive change. But everyone knows you can’t achieve anything significant without guts, determination, and of course, the courage to keep driving towards the goal, regardless of how hard the journey is!
Uncommon Courage will feature global conversations determined to contribute to creating a better future for all life on earth. Ideas, solutions, arguments and laughs - it’ll all be part of the journey. It is time for that which is uncommon to become common.
#UncommonCourage #AndreaTEdwards
Uncommon Courage
Climate Courage: getting to a state of acceptance
Being in a state of acceptance about the climate crisis is not an easy path to tread, but it is a necessary part of the journey – for the sake of our own mental health. No question it’s challenging as the news is increasingly grim – from the loss of the Great Barrier Reef to sharks leaving their coral homes which impacts wider ecosystem health in our oceans, to the amount of CO2 spewing into our atmosphere from the mega fires that are wreaking havoc across the world. We have extreme floods, extreme heat, extreme storms, and Brazil is in a state of crisis as it suffers its worst ever drought.
Right across the Nine Planetary Boundaries, the acceleration of human harm on our environment and the negative consequence of that harm is accelerating, which means it’s not just climate change we need to be thinking about.
So, how do we confront these stark truths and not fall into debilitating despair? How do we not throw our hands in the air and give up, or worse, get so cynical we become a person without hope in our future or our fellow humans? How do we get to a state of acceptance, so we can be empowered to act in every way that is in our power, which positions us to help change our trajectory? That is what we want to talk about, as Climate Courage returns for its new season, Friday, 13th September – 3pm SG time, 8am UK time. Come and join us.
Climate Courage is a livestream, held every two weeks and is co-hosted by Andrea T Edwards, Dr. David Ko and Richard Busellato. On the show, we cover critical topics across the full spectrum of the polycrisis, in everyday language, and we go big picture on the climate crisis, while also drilling down and focusing on the actions we can all take to be part of the solution. Whether individual action, community action, or national/global action - every single one of us can be part of ensuring a live-able future for our children and grandchildren. We owe them that!
#ClimateCourage #RethinkingChoices #UncommonCourage
To get in touch with me, all of my contact details are here https://linktr.ee/andreatedwards
My book Uncommon Courage, an invitation, is here https://mybook.to/UncommonCourage
My book 18 Steps to an All-Star LinkedIn Profile, is here https://mybook.to/18stepstoanallstar